
James: Growing up on the estate

Chapter 1

Early morning a servent enters my room, turns on the light and opens the huge green drapes. "Good Morning, Master James."

"Auugh!" I moaned, awakened from my dream and ever so peaceful rest, I was startled at first, then saw that it was only, Briggs, my personal servent who my parents make, wake me up at seven AM each morning, even when there is no school! "Why?!?" I whined, then he gives me this, "Do we have to do this every morning?" look, and I shake my head disagreance, almost as saying, "No we don't."

"Its morning, look the sun is already high in the sky," he looks out the window as to avert my glaze out there to. "Besides, I have heard word that your parents have a big surprise for you today."

"What?" I ask loudly, now more awake, almost ready to run downstairs to find out.

"I can not tell you, besides I, myself, do not even know." Briggs replied getting out my breakfast clothes, "I just heard that it was something big. Now, come on, get up, its time to go, you know how your mom hates it when your late to the table."

A barking was heard from down the hall, then it got closer, soon a orange and white growlithe pup came flying into the room. It leaped onto my bed, energetic and happy, "Growlie!" I exclaimed as the pup jumped onto me licking my face and wagging his happy tail. "Down!" I pushed the persistant pup away from me, but it just jumped back, so finally I stood up and the growlithe started to paw at my legs, the pup was half as tall as me. Panting and pawing, Briggs pulled him back and picked him up.

"Your growlithe is going to have to learn to be more quiet or your mother will have him locked into the doghouse again. You know how she hates loud noises."

"Yea, I know." I said in reply as I was taking my clothes and heading to the washroom, thinking of the last time mother had had, Growlie, locked into the doghouse, only about a week ago, cause of his barking, he was only barking at the wild Meowth outside that was pawing around in the yard. After I had cleaned up and got dressed, I went back into my bedroom, which was attached to my own private washroom. Briggs had done gone back downstairs, the maid was waiting for me outside to the door for laundry, I gave her the days load and went downstairs to breakfast.

"James dear, you are late," says mothers voice, to concerned probally with other things to really care, at least she sounded like it, "You need to come and meet somebody." She comes into the hallway, "Let us be on our way now, can't leave your guest waiting!" My guest? I have a guest? What is she talking about? Who do I even know?

She pushes me into the dining room, where my father stands up and says five terroizing words that no ten year old boy should ever have to hear, "James, meet Jessiabelle, your fiance." I just stared blankly, not able to comprehend the sentence at the time, I wasn't even completely sure what the word, fiance, ment, of course my mother spelled it out for me.

" Oh, Stefphan, look how cute they are together!" My mother said with way-to-adoring eyes. My father just looked at us in agreeance. "They will make the cutest couple, you are to be wed right soon after you turn eighteen, James, doesn't that just sound simpley profound!" she said, I could barely move little with speak, wed? What? I don't want to get married to anyone! This isn't right, I look down at the floor to Growlie, who is looking up at me almost as if could understand what was going on, at the moment I wanted to beleive he could. I looked back at my parents, they looked so dimwitted, like pictures out of a book staring at Jessiabelle and myself, like we were just crowned couple of the year. What am I gonna do?

"Oh, James," it spoke, Jessiabelle, I just had noticed that a small shrimpy Oddish standing behind her, then I noticed that Growlie was growling at it very softly, not enough for anyone to notice, unless they were actually paying attention to it. "I can't wait till the wed-din! This'll be so fun." She seemed to be treating it as if it were some kind of game. Does she not know what marriage really means? Together - forever, I can not do this, with out thinking or speaking I start to dart out of the room when I here her say, "Oddish we can't let 'im get away! Spore attack!" Then the next thing I knew I was frozen coulndn't move then Growlie breaks out in a barking frenzy, the puny Oddish runs and hides under the table, "James, dear, I will teach you to be more respectful than that, she breaks out a whip and starts for the basement door, when the spore finally wears down enough for me to move she chases me, trying to get me into the basement, Growlie jumped up and attacked her, enough for me to get away and run to the front door, I almost made it then I ran into a servent.

"Young boys should not play outside in their table clothes," said some old hag, what, was she like the door guard now? I ignore her and run into a back hallway and run up a flight of stairs, and wind around the maze of a house, stop look back, thinking now only that I had left Growlie back there.

Later that day, though, Growlie, found me sleeping in a upstairs storage room behind some boxes, he had broungt his blue, toy ball up too. I took the ball from him and threw it and he chased it, I could see that he was just trying to cheer me up, though it annoyed me for some reason, I still played, too afraid to go back downstairs, knowing soon enough they would find me anyway. For some time though before they found me I just sat up there and played with my growlithe.

Chapter 2 (not finished)


Its been about a week or so that I've know Jessiabelle, and I have only four good words to describe her; self-centered, over-controlling, dimwitted hag. She is always following me around, correcting me, trying to change me. And her oddish is always paralyzing, Growlie, and me. Sometimes she~~~

A loud, high-pitched voice comes from the hallway outside the door, "Ja-ames! What are you doing? It time for your, "lessons!"" the voice of Jessiabelle. She slams open the door and it makes a huge thud against the wall, dressed in high boots, and an almost circus-looking outfit, armed with a whip. I quickly slam the notebook closed and shove it towards the wall and just as hoped it falls behind the desk, all before she got a chance to notice.

"No, I do not want to! I quit!" I screamed at her, but not loud enough for anyone else outside the room to really notice.