The Mystery at Silph Co.

Tuesday 9:30 P.M.

The Silph Co president, Calsu, was at work getting ready to leave and lock up. When he went out into the lobby and he noticed that, Steyl, was still there, and he usually left about a half hour ago, so this was a little suspicious.

"Why are you still here?" Calsu asked.

"I was uh, I was finishing these reports. I should be done within the hour," I responded while fidigiting with a pencil that I had found in a desk drawer.

"Okay then," Bruno said, a little suspiciously, "Well be it as it may. Lock up when you are done, and make sure you reset the security alarm and turn on the double locks and the security beams and, ... huh? Are you mocking me?" he said to Steyl, who was making funny looking silent talking faces in the corner of Calsu's eye, where Steyl thought he wouldn't of been seen.

"Noo. You worry too much."

"Maybe it would be better if I just stayed here with you," Calsu said, "I mean who knows you might need an extra hand."

"No, go on, it'll be fine," I said, "The night janitor is here, ... somewhere ... I think."

"Are you sure?" Bruno asked.

"Yea, go on get our of here," I said.

"Fine then," Calsu said, "Just be sure to lock up, that includes thee . . ."



"I will," I said. I think the reason that, Calsu, is so worried all the time is that about three months ago somebody broke into Silph Co., the building, and stole a new project we were working on. We can't make anymore because that was the prototype and they destroyed the information on the computer... and the computers. They must not have saved the information on disks because there is nothing left to give a hint of an idea that we had anything on it. They say it was Team Rocket.

Wednesday 11:00 A.M.

I went to work at eleven a.m the next day, as usual. When I got there, there was a bunch of yellow tape and cops surrounding the building, the tape all said, "POLICE LINEE DO NOT CROSS . . . POLICE LINE DO NOT CROSS . . . POLICE LINE DO NOT CROSS," over and over again.

I asked what I thought was a bystander what was going on and he said, "Somebody murdered Silph Co's president last night in that building," he said pointing to 'the building', then he asked me my name and I told him.

"You are going down to headquarters for questioning," he said, dragging me to a squad car.


1:00 P.M. Wednesday

At the police headquarters

"You were the last to leave Silph Co. before the president, right?" asked Officer Jennie.

"I left after the president, he left at nine-thirty and i did not leave until about ten-fifteen, but I think the night janitor should still of been there," I said.

"The janitor never went to work yesterday. Called in sick," said another cop who was watching the whole thing."


"If he left before you and you did not see or hear anything then how could of he have been murdered at about midnight in the same building he left at nine-thirty?" asked officer Jennie.

"Maybe he came back later that night," I said.

"You are staying here till we find enough evidence to prove you are innocent, because right now there is no evidence of breaking in, or anybody else ever even being there last night."


Jail Cell 6-A
9:00 P.M. Wednesday

Later that day I got put in jail cell 6-A. I have been here since five o'clock, so I guess it's been about four or five hours. Well now all I have to do is wait.

Police HQ (headquarters)
11:00 A.M. Thursday

"You say he left at at about 9:30 p-m Tuesday. Then how was he murdered around midnight. You know what I think, I think you are with-holding information. You're not telling us something, something important. You know who did it, " Officer Jamison, snorts. "You know who did it. . . . Or you did it."

"Look, I have told you all I know," I said.

"Well you are just going to have to tell us again then. . . . From the top," Officer Jamison said.

"I've already told you everything I know!"

"From the top!"

"Yea, yea whatever," I said. There was something off about these people. Something off about this whole place.

"From the top or you are going back to the jail cell and you will be convicted.

"I was finishing up some reports when the president walked into the lobby and asked me what I was doing there so late and I told him I was finishing the reports. Then he started to talk about setting the lock and locking the locks when I left, he left at about nine-forty. I left about ten-thirty, then I came back the next morning at eleven like I always do but this time yellow tape was surrounding the place. I asked some guy what was going on. He told me they had murdered the presiden, then I got taken here by, Officer Jennie," I repeated for about the eighteenth time. "As I said before, I am innocent, I didn't do it."

"Tell it to the judge," said Officer Jamison.

"phht," I sat there thinking how stupid this was, I have got to find out who did this, seeing how the police here are so lazy, just arrest the first guy they see just so they can go home earlier.

10:00 A.M Friday

After I told them what I told Officer Jamison a million times they still did not believe me.

"How do you plead," said the judge?

"Innocent," I said agian.

"Then who would you suggest, committed this hideous crime?" said Judge Nidoran*|.

"I uh, I do not know," is all I said.

"The evidence right now is all pointing to you. Now lets try this again, shall we? How do you plead?"

"Innocent," I repeated.

"I see. And you are sticking with your story?"


"I see, and until you are cleared of all charges, you are not allowed to leave the state of Oklahoma. As further precocious if we do not find any clues leading to another suspec you have one month to clear your name if we cannot. And if this does not happen you will be sentenced to a fifty-year prison sentence," said Judge Nidoran*|.

12:00 P.M. Saturday
Outside the Silph Co. building

I decided to start at the place of murder 'so as they say' Silph Co. I am finding nothing outside Silph.

12:30 P.M. Saturday
Inside the Silph Co. Building

I went inside the building to look for anything that might help find out who did this. I searched around where the body was found. Next, I looked around the door frame. I found nothing, again. I wonder, I went over into the presidents office, to his desk and I looked for something anything. There is a paper, pens, pencils, nothing that might help. A near by clock read 12:36 a.m. on a Wednesday. I looked at my watch it read 12:50 pm. The clock wasn't unplugged. I decided to have a closer look. Then I remembered something. They said the president was murdered around midnight on Wednesday. "He did come back later that night!" I exclaimed.

"You looking for something?" said somebody in the doorway.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Just somebody. Looking to help." said the guy.

I looked at him for a minute, studied him. Then saw the object in his pocket or holster or pants or whatever the hell it was, it looked like something familiar but I couldn't quite pick it out. If only I could get a closer look.

"What are you doing here? You shouldn't be here," said the guy.

I had a bad feeling something was going to happen and I did not want to hang around to find out what it was. "I was just leaving. Do you work here, I do not recall ever seeing you here before," I said, what a stupid thing to say.

"Yes, you should go."

As I approached the guy to go out the door, I got a closer look at what was in his pocket. It was a revolver. I hurried to and out the door not even bothering to look back.

1:00 P.M. Saturday
My house

I wonder if that clock being broken on the time and date of when they said the murder took place had anything to do with anything. Maybe a sign of a struggle that the cops overlooked. And who was that strange guy in the door. Then it hit me, the night security cameras. We had just recently installed them but maybe. If they work then they would have been on now since the president was not there to shut them off. The cops don't even know they are there. "I have to go back," I said, "Later tonight though. Right now I have to figure all of this out.

11:00 P.M. Saturday
Silph Co. Inside the Lobby

I do not see anybody, I went to the mirror with the camera behind it. "Okay now to get the one from the President's office," I whispered to myself. I went into the presidents office to get the video tape from behind the other mirror and I looked out the window and I saw a new car. The car looked very familiar but I just could not place it. I went back home to see what was on these video tapes. I saw the car again but I still could not place it. It looked so familiar.

7:30 A.M. Sunday
My House

I was watching the tape then I saw the guy I saw at Silph Co. yesterday. He was there, the president was there. A coincidence? I think not! I wonder if maybe he is the one who murdered the president. "Huh," I said. Seeing the car that the suspected murderer got in, it was the same car that I saw at Silph Co. last night. If that was his car and that was him then I was lucky to get out of there alive both times. Unless there is a reason that he murdered the president other than just wanting to kill somebody. I went back to Silph but looked around for that car first. I did not see it so I went inside. I logged onto the president's personal computer. And then I saw it, a hand behind the file cabinet, and a pool of blood on the floor. I went to take a closer look, holding my breath. I saw an arm. It looks like the president's murderer already came back. But this dude I didn't recognize. I went to the phone out in the lobby and dialed 9-1-1. The phone rang once then sombody picked up. Somebody was beginning to say something then the phone and the lights went dead. Then I saw the guy in the doorway, it was the same guy I saw the day before.

"We cannot have any interfering with our plans," he said.

"I was, uh, I, uh, I was just leaving," I mumbled.

"What is with the phone then? And the computer back there? And if you are just going to leave right away. Then why did you come here in the first place? Just too snoop around?" he asked.

"I was just getting some of my things I left here about a week ago," I said.

"Why did you not get the stuff the first time?" he asked.

"I uh, I did not think they would have us out so long."

"You liar," said the murderer, "You know the truth and now you must die."

"But I don't even know what you are talking about," I muttered. I took a dash for the door but he blocked my way. I turned around and headed for the stairs. He chased me up the stairs. I took a sharp turn up another flight of stairs, realized he was still following me and soon as I got out of his sight I opened the door to the fifth floor. Then I continued up the steps to the sixth floor, stopped and waited for him to reach the fifth floor. He went through I was home free when I heard him following me back down the steps and a gunshot and I took off in a dead run. When I reached the first floor I went into the lobby and ran to the front door. Tried pulling it open but it was locked and somebody had taked the liberty of changing the locks while he was chasing me up and down the steps.

"You are trapped now," said a female voice from the presidents office.

"Why don't you just quit now?" said the guy who was chasing me, holding a gun.

"It's to late, you've all ready lost and Team Rocket has won."

"Maybe we can cut a deal," I said.

"No deals," said the female.

They stared walking to one side of the room. I took a dash for the presidents office. They chased me in there into a corner. On the other side of the file cabinet that guy was murdered on. I looked out into the lobby just in time to see the door nob jiggle a little. The first thing that went through my mind was that I was not going to live because I thought that it was more Team Rocket members. Or mayber the Team Rocket boss. I closed my eyes, waiting for it to end.

"Police! Stop right there! Put your hands over your head and turn around slowly!" said Officer Jennie, Officer Jamison, and two other officers I've never seen before.

Just then one of the Rocket members throw something that made the whole room fill up with smoke so much we had to all exit. By the time the smoke cleared they were all gone, with out a sound.

"Damn it! They've escaped again!" yelled Jennie.

"Are you okay?" asked Jamison.

"Yea, just a little shakin," I said. "How did you know to come here?"

"Well, somebody called 9-1-1 and hung up or the phone went dead and you usually don't get prank calls from big buisness buildings that nobody is allowed in, in the middle of the night.

"Oh." I said, "I dialed 9-1-1, then as soon as somebody picked up all the electricty, including the phone, died."

"Let's go back to headquarters," said Jennie.

1:00 P.M. Tuesday
Police Headquarters

They never found the Team Rocket members, though I was proven innocent in court. They found out who the dead guy behind the file cabinet was though, Tryy Wampler. So I guess I am going to go home now and try to put the whole mess behind me.